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What would you do for a Klondike® Bar?

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Turquoise and purple background image.

Klondike is an ice cream brand based in the US that is also sold in Canada and Greater Caribbean. The origins of the Klondike bar can be traced back to Switzerland and the Isaly family, who were known for their fine dairy products. William Isaly founded the Isaly Dairy Company at the start of the 1900s. The original Klondike bar was handmade by dipping square slices of ice cream in pans of Swiss milk chocolate.

Commitment to quality - for 80+ years

Millions of Americans have come to love the delicious variety of frozen novelty products from Klondike® with the distinctive square shape and foil wrapper.

About Klondike®

The origins of the Klondike® bar can be traced back to Switzerland and the Isaly Family, a family known for fine dairy products. William Isaly founded the Isaly Dairy Company around the beginning of the 1900's. The original Klondike® bar was handmade by dipping square slices of ice cream in pans of rich, delicious Swiss milk chocolate. The family produced the bars in Ohio just outside of Youngstown and in Pittsburgh. By the 1940's, the Isaly Family had several dairy plants that supplied more than 300 Isaly Dairy stores. Klondike® bars were sold in all of the stores.

Klondike® bar becomes a national favorite

Until the 1970's, the Klondike® bar was sold only in Pennsylvania and Ohio. In 1978, distribution expanded into Florida, followed by New York and New England. In 1982, a nationwide advertising and publicity campaign was launched with the tag, "What would you do for a Klondike® bar?" Soon Klondike® bars were available in the majority of U.S. supermarkets.

In 1993, Unilever acquired the Isaly Klondike Company and the Klondike® brand became a part of Good Humors-Breyers™. This acquisition put Americans of every age within reach of the most comprehensive line of chilly treats in dessert history.

Contact Unilever about Klondike

If you have any questions or comments about Klondike, please visit our contact page.

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