New labels are starting to appear on some food packaging with the statement “contains a bioengineered food ingredient.” This is part of a new U.S. regulation for the disclosure of foods made from bioengineered crops, commonly referred to as genetically modified organisms or GMOs. With all the conversation around GMOs and the appearance of new labels, we want to explain what they mean and help everyone to be informed about our food and drinks.

Bioengineered, genetically modified organisms or GMOs, genetic engineering - these terms can be confusing. At a basic level, these terms refer to crops, like corn, canola, or soybeans that have been altered using modern biotechnology to give it more desirable traits. “GMO” has become the common name used by consumers and popular media to describe foods created through genetic engineering. Although GMO foods have been available to consumers since the early 1990s, you will see new “bioengineered” labels on some foods because of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard. This 2018 regulation requires companies to use the term “bioengineered” rather than GMO to now disclose foods made from GMO crops.
Unilever is committed to making safe, nutritious food. An important part of our sustainability plan is improving nutrition.
We are confident that foods made using ingredients from GMO crops are safe. According to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), “GMO foods are as healthful and safe to eat as their non-GMO counterparts.” In addition, the FDA concluded that any long-term health effects from GMOs are no different from those from non-GMO foods. The World Health Organization (WHO) also acknowledges “GM products that are currently on the international market have all passed safety assessments conducted by national authorities.”
Foods in the U.S. commonly contain ingredients produced with GMO crops - from corn, soy, and sugar beet derived ingredients.
A main reason so many farmers use GMO seeds is because modifications to crops often means they can grow food more efficiently, with higher yields. GMO seeds can also help crops better resist disease, pests and inclement weather. This helps make food more abundant and affordable, thus helping meet the long-term food needs of the world in a more sustainable way.
Non-GMO (Non-Bioengineered) Options
We recognize that some people prefer foods that do not use ingredients produced from GMO crops. If you are looking for products made with non-GMO-sourced ingredients, many of Unilever’s biggest Foods and Ice Cream brands, including Hellmann’s, Breyers, Talenti, Sir Kensington’s, and all of Ben & Jerry’s, have non-GMO offerings. Our products that are USDA certified organic or state “Non-GMO Sourced” on packaging, all meet the Unilever Non-GMO Standard (PDF 34.17 KB) and qualify as non-GMO offerings. All our products, whether they use non-GMO-sourced ingredients or GMOs, follow the Unilever Sustainable Agriculture Code and are designed to help us meet our nutritional standards (PDF 546.42 KB).