Our nutrition network
The Unilever Nutrition Network endeavours to provide evidence and support for the claimed benefits of a growing number of Unilever products.
Unilever Nutrition Network
Organized into six regions spanning the globe, the network focuses on growing Unilever’s business by providing world-class nutrition and health innovation. We’re involved in the innovation process all the way from idea generation through to product launch, while also helping existing products maintain and strengthen their brand value.
Our core activities include working with external experts and authorities to provide evidence for claims, driving the nutritional enhancement of our products, and promoting a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Providing evidence for benefit claims
We draw both on our own research as well as on external collaborations to produce evidence for nutrition claims. Findings are published in scientific papers and regulatory dossiers, while also featuring in communications targeted at a wide range of audiences.
Promoting a healthy diet & lifestyle
In line with Unilever’s marketing principles, we promote specific nutrition claims – such as reduced salt or cholesterol-lowering – as beneficial in the overall context of a healthy diet and lifestyle. So, working closely with external partners, we find ways to spur consumers towards healthier lifestyles, which ultimately increases the demand for Unilever products.
Global coordination
To help us deliver coherent and responsible communications around the world, we’re all fully trained on areas such as claims co-generation and scientific position statements, policies, guidelines and best practice examples. We also play a major role educating colleagues across the business on nutrition-related issues.